Word on the Street

By: Yasmeen Alam and Annabel Jones

Before we all get sucked even further into the never-ending cycle of tests, papers, sports, and rehearsals, The Banner wanted to give people the chance to reflect back on this past summer. For this issue’s Word on the Street, The Banner has asked members of the Winsor community: What was your favorite summer memory?

Harper Brenninkmeyer ’30: Seeing my aunt, uncle, and cousin for the first time in three and a half years.

Emelle Bedair ’29: I enjoyed traveling to Egypt and seeing family!

Mariam Alam ’30: My parents, sister, cousin, and I had to fly to Chicago for our other cousin’s graduation party, but our flight got canceled, so we had to fly to Milwakue and take an Uber the morning of the party. Even though it was kind of stressful, we ended up making it on time, and it was actually really fun!

Sonia Daizadeh ’26: Having a girls trip to Spain and traveling to San Francisco to see family.

Ila Desai ’27: Traveling to Italy with my family. I ate a lot of delicious food!

Bela Patel ’27: Volunteering at an animal shelter with lots of cute dogs and visiting India to see my family and old friends!

Louisa Furman ’26: Making s’mores with my best friend who was visiting from LA!

We hope these responses remind you to reminisce on your favorite memories from summer and dream about all of the new ones that are to come this school year!